Prof. Dr. med. Michael und Dr. med. Miriam Tchirikov GbR
Seekorso 115
14089 Berlin
Tel.: 01525 / 755 5553
Responsible for the content: Prof. Dr. med. Michael Tchirikov and Dr. med. Miriam Tchirikov
Legal occupational title: Arzt / Ärztin (Doctor)
State in which the professional title was awarded: Federal Republic of Germany
EU Commission platform for online dispute resolution:
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
Competent medical association:
Berlin Medical Association
Corporation under public law
Friedrichstraße 16
10969 Berlin
Telephone: 030 - 40 80 6-0
Fax: 030 - 40 80 6-3499
E-Mail: kammer(at)
Professional regulations:
Professional regulations of the Berlin Medical Association
Berlin Chamber Act
You can find the currently valid versions of these laws and ordinances of the state of Berlin
on the website of the Berlin Medical Association:
Competent Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians:
Berlin Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians
Corporation under public law
Masurenallee 6 A
14057 Berlin
Telephone: 030 - 31 003-0
Fax: 030 - 31 00 3-380
E-Mail: kvbe(at)
All images, texts and information on this website are subject to the copyright of Prof. Dr. Michael and Dr. Miriam Tchirikov or their business and contractual partners. Any duplication, distribution or storage is prohibited, offenders sending unwanted spam messages will be punished.
Picture credits:
Ultrasound images, Voluson Expert 22 image:
We hereby grant you permission to use the attached images of the Voluson Expert 22 Ultrasound System on your practice website.
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