Termin buchen

Prof. Dr. med. Michael Tchirikov

Specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology
Focus: Special obstetrics and prenatal medicine

Lives and works in Berlin.
Married father of 10 children.


1984A-levels, Torshok, Russia (grade: 1.0)
1984-1992Medical studies at Pavlov Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russia (overall grade: 1.0)
1986-1988Military service, in Borispol, Kiev, Ukraine
1999USMLE 1 (US medical licence examination)
2000USMLE 2 (US medical licence examination)

Beruflicher Werdegang

1992-1995: Residency, Ott Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pavlov University, St. Petersburg, Russia.

27. June 1995, recognised 19 March 1996: Doctorate, subject: "Scientific basis of primary labour pains", Ott Research Institute for Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St. Petersburg and recognised by the Ministry of Science and Research, Hamburg

1995-2002: Specialist training in Germany, obstetrics and gynaecology, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany

25. September 2002: Specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany

23. November 2004: Habilitation, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany

Topic: "Ductus venosus shunting in the fetal venous circulation: regulatory mechanisms, diagnostic methods and clinical importance".

2. February 2005: Venia legendi, Venia legendi, Privatdozent for Obstetrics and Gynaecology (§17 Abs. 2 HmbHSG), University of Hamburg, Germany

1. June 2005: Specialist title, Special Obstetrics and Prenatal Medicine, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany.

2006-2011: University professor (Univ.-Prof), senior consultant in W2 position for the Department of Obstetrics and Prenatal Medicine, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

May 2011 – August 2023: University Professor (Univ.-Prof), Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Prenatal Medicine, Centre of Fetal Surgery, Elected Director of the Perinatal Centre Level 1, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany.

From 1 August 2023: Foundation and management of the "Berlin Centre for Prenatal Diagnostics and Fetal Surgery", Berlin, Germany

1998-2001: Eurofetus Programme, Leuven University Belgium

2002: Loma Linda University, CA, USA

2003: SFBR National Primate Center, San Antonio, TX, USA

1990-1992: Lenin Fellowship at the Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg, Russia

1995-1996: DAAD Fellowship, Institute of Physiology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany

2000: Trophoblast Research -IFPA 2000 New Investigator Award, at the 14 th Rochester Trophoblast Congress, New York, USA

2003: Haackert Prize in Perinatal Medicine, awarded in Düsseldorf, Germany

2003: Scientific Research at the SFBR National Primate Center, San Antonio, TX, USA

2011: Nominated for the "German Research Award 2011", Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

2017: IQ Innovation Award Central Germany in Halle, Germany

2017: Hugo Junkers Award 2017 (1. Platz) in der Kategorie: “The most Innovative Project and Applied Research”. Titel der Innovation: “Artificial amniotic fluid and perinatal port-System for the treatment of preterm premature rupture of the membranes”.

2006-2011: DFG-(Deutsche F orschungsgemeinschaft) Projekt TC 2/4-2: “Investigation of glucose uptake with PET-CT on a fetal sheep model under acute and chronic hypoxia” (Volume € 600.000, - PI).

2015-2017: RSF Project 15-15-00137: „Investigation of Amniotic Lavage Mechanism in Treatment of Threatened Premature Delivery of Infectious Genesis” (Volume € 400.000, - PI).

2020-2025: BMBF grant (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) “Treatment of classic mid-trimester preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) in by means of continuous amnioinfusion: a prospective randomized multicenter study” (register study’s number KS-2018-119, Volume € 1,4 Mio.

  1. Tchirikov M, Rybakowski C, Hüneke B, Schröder H.J. Blood flow through the ductus venosus in singleton and multifetal pregnancies, and in fetuses with intrauterine growth retardation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;178:943-949.

  2. Tchirikov M, Eisermann K, Rybakowski C, Schröder H.J. Doppler ultrasound evaluation of ductus venosus blood flow during acute hypoxemia in fetal lambs. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 1998;11:426-31.

  3. Tchirikov M, Schröder HJ. Single case report: late gestational sheep may survive blockage of the ductus venosus for 1 week. Placenta 1998;19:333-6.

  4. Tchirikov M, Hüneke B, Schröder H.J. Ductus venosus als Regulator des fetalen Wachstums? Arch Gynecol Obstet 1999;263:109-111.

  5. Tchirikov M, Kertschanska S. and Schröder HJ. Obstruction of ductus venosus stimulates cell proliferation in fetal organs. Placenta 2001;22:24-31.

  6. Tchirikov M, Hecher K, Deprest J, Zirkulng L, Devlieger R and Schröder H.J. Doppler ultrasound measurements in the central circulation of anesthetized fetal sheep during obstruction of umbilical-placental blood flow. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2001;18:656-661.

  7. Tchirikov M, Kertschanska S, Sturenberg HJ, Schröder H.J. Liver blood flow as a possible instrument for fetal growth regulation. Placenta 2002;23:S153-S158.

  8. Tchirikov M, Rybakowski C, Hüneke B, Schoder V, Schröder H.J . Umbilical vein blood volume flow rate and umbilical artery PI contribute as "venous-arterial ratio" to predict neonatal compromise. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2002, 20:580-585.

  9. TchirikovM, Kertschanska S, Schröder HJ. Differential effects of catecholamines on vascular rings from ductus venosus and intrahepatic veins of fetal sheep . J Physiol 2003;548.2:519-526.

  10. Tchirikov M, Peiper U, Schröder H.J. Contraction kinetics of isolated human myometrium during menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 2000;107 (1): 62-67.

  11. Tchirikov M, Hüneke B, Schröder H.J. Ductus venosus als Regulator des fetalen Wachstums? Arch Gynecol Obstet 1999; 263 (Suppl 2):109-111.

  12. Tchirikov M, Hecher K, Deprest J, Verbeken E, Roubliova X, Schröder H.J. Pulmonary circulation of fetal sheep with lung hyperplasia following tracheal occlusion. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2005;25:277-81.

  13. Tchirikov M, Schlabritz-Loutsevitch N.E, Hubbard G.B, Schröder H.J, Tardif S,Nathanielsz P.W. Structural evidence for mechanisms to redistribute hepatic and ductus venosus blood flows in nonhuman primate fetuses. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005;192:1146-52.

  14. Tchirikov M, Schlabritz-Loutsevitch N.E, Hubbard G.B,Nathanielsz P.W, Beindorff N, Schröder H.J. Ductus venosus shunting in marmoset and baboon fetuses. Ultrasoud Obstet Gynecol 2005;26:252-57.

  15. Tchirikov M, Schlabritz-Loutsevitch N.E, Hubbard G.B, Tardif S, Schröder H.J. Nathanielsz P.W. Ductus venosus and intrahepatic venous system in Callithrix jacchus jacchus and Macaca fascicularis fetuses. J Med Primat 2006 Feb;35(1):18-24.

  16. Tchirikov M, Schröder H.J, Hecher K. Ductus venosus shunting in fetal venous circulation: regulatory mechanisms, diagnostic methods and medical implication. Review. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2006;27(4):452-61.

  17. Tchirikov M, Förster D, Strohner M, Hüneke B. The venousarterial index has a higher sensitivity to predict poor neonatal outcome compared to classical Doppler parameters. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2009;142(2):129-33.

  18. Tchirikov M.Dilatation of the ductus venosus by stent implantation increases placental blood perfusion in fetal sheep. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;198:138e1-138e6.

  19. Tchirikov M, Strohner M, Popovic S, Hecher K, Schröder H J. Cardiac output following fetoscopic coagulation of major umbilical vessels in fetal sheep. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008;32:917-922.

  20. Tchirikov M.Management monochorialer Zwillingsschwangerschaften in der Ära der intrauterinen mikroinvasiven fetalen Chirurgie. Frauenarzt 2009;50:121-128.#

  21. Tchirikov M. Successful tracheal occlusion using ultra-thin fetoscopic equipment combined with real-time 3D ultrasound. Eur Surg Res 2009;43(2):204-7.

  22. Tchirikov M. Intrauterine fetale Chirurgie. Frauenheilkunde up2date 2010;3:163-179.

  23. Tchirikov M, Strohner M, Scholz A. Cardiac output and blood flow volume redistribution during acute hypoxia in fetal sheep. J Perinat Med. 2010 Jul;(4):387-92.

  24. Tchirikov M,Merinsky A, Strohner M, Bonin M, Beyer V, Haaf T, Bartsch O. Prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 7q11.22→qter. Am J Med Genet 2010 152A(3):721-5

  25. Tchirikov M,Steetskamp J, Hohmann M, Koelbl H. Long-term amnioinfusion through a subcutaneously implanted amniotic fluid replacement port system for treatment of PPROM in humans. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2010 ;152(1):30-3.

  26. Tchirikov M,Kharkevich O, Steetskamp J, Beluga M, Strohner M. Treatment of Growth-Restricted Human Fetuses with Amino Acids and Glucose Supplementation through a Chronic Fetal Intravascular Perinatal Port System. Eur Surg Res. 2010;20;45(1):45-49.

  27. Tchirikov M. Monochorionic twin pregnancy: screening, pathogenesis of complications and management in the era of microinvasive fetal surgery. J Perinat Med. 2010;38(5):451-9.

  28. Tchirikov M, Gatopoulos G, Strohner M, Puhl A, Steetskamp J. Two new approaches in intrauterine tracheal occlusion using an ultrathin fetoscope. Laryngoscope. 2010 Feb;120(2):394-8.

  29. Tchirikov M, Oshovskyy V, Steetskamp J, Falkert A, Huber G, Entezami M. Neonatal outcome using ultrathin fetoscope for laser coagulation in twin-to-twin-transfusion syndrome. J Perinat Med. 2011;39:725-30.

  30. Tchirikov M, Gatopoulos G, Steetskamp J, Heinrich UR, Brieger J, Heidner K, Koelbl H. A 29-gauge atraumatic needle for amniocentesis. J Perinat Med. 2011;39(4):431-5.

  31. Tchirikov M, Tchirikov M, Buchert R, Wilke F, Brenner W. Glucose uptake in the placenta, fetal brain, heart and liver related to blood flow redistribution during acute hypoxia. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2011;37(8):979-85.

  32. Tchirikov M,V.Oshovskyy, V. Thäler. Air transfer of patients with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome for laser coagulation of placental anastomoses does not deteriorate the neonatal outcome. Int J Obstet Gynecol 2012; 117(3):260-3.

  33. Tchirikov M,Steetskamp J, Hohmann M, Koelbl H. Long-term amnioinfusion through a subcutaneously implanted amniotic fluid replacement port system for treatment of PPROM in humans. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2010;152(1):30-3.

  34. Tchirikov M, Arnold C, Oshovskyy V, Heinrich U.R. Three years’ experience of using 29G atraumatic needle for amniocentesis. J Prenat Med 2012 40(4):413-7.

  35. Tchirikov M, Bapayeva G, Zhumadilov Z, Dridi Y, Harnisch R, Herrmann A. The treatment of PPROM with an anhydramnion in humans: first experience with different amniotic fluid substitutes for continuous amnioinfusion through a subcutaneously implanted port system. J Perinat Med 2013; 41(6): 657–663.

  36. Michael Tchirikov, Volker Thäle, Boris Tutschek Fetale Arrhythmie – Diagnostik und Management. Gynäkol Prax 2013; 37:23-35.

  37. Tchirikov M. Intrauterine fetale Chirurgie. In: Pränatale Diagnostok und Therapie in Ethik, Medizin und Recht. Ed.: StegerF, Ehm S, Tchirikov M, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014, pp166.

  38. Tchirikov M.Aktueller Stand der Behandlung des fetofetalen Transfusionssyndroms. Gynäkol Prax 2015; 39:215-28.

  39. TchirikovM, Zhumadilov Z, Winarno AS, Haase R, Buchmann J. Treatment of Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes with Oligo-/Anhydramnion Colonized by Multiresistant Bacteria with Continuous Amnioinfusion and Antibiotic Administrations through a Subcutaneously Implanted Intrauterine Port System: A Case Report. Fetal Diagn Ther. 2015 Oct 9.

  40. TchirikovM, Zhumadilov ZS, Bapayeva G, Bergner M, Entezami M. The effect of intraumbilical fetal nutrition via a subcutaneously implanted port system on amino acid concentration by severe IUGR human fetuses. J Perinat Med. 2017;45(2):227-36.

  41. Tchirikov M, Buchmann J, Bergner M. Successful close of small iatrogenic fetal membrane defect after fetoscopy with laser”, to be published in the “J Reprod Med 2017;62:194-99.

  42. Tchirikov M,Schlabritz-Loutsevitch N, Maher J, Buchmann J, Naberezhnev J, Winarno AS, Seliger G. Mid-trimester preterm premature rupture of the membranes (PPROM): ethiology, diagnosis, classification, international recommendations of treatment options and outcome. J Perinat Med 2018 26;46(5):465-488.

  43. Tchirikov M, Erich Saling, Gauri Bapayeva, Michael Bucher, Oliver Thews, Gregor Seliger. Hyperbaric oxygenation and glucose/amino acids substitution in human severe placental insufficiency. Physiol Report 2018;6:e13589

  44. Tchirikov M, Bergner M, Springer C, Seeger S, Behrmann C, Haase R. Long tail balloon as a new approach for FETO for a treatment of severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia. J Obstet Gynecol Rep 2019; 45(3):719-723

  45. Tchirikov M, Ocker R, Seliger G, Chaoui K, Moritz S, Haase R. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2021 Nov 18:1-8. doi: 10.1007/s00404-021-06319-w. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34791511 Free PMC article. Review. Treatment of mid-trimester preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) with multi-resistant bacteria-colonized anhydramnion with continuous amnioinfusion and meropenem: a case report and literature review.

  1. Schröder H. J, Tchirikov M.From top to bottom: another approach to place arterial venous catheters into the circulation of fetal sheep. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2006;195(1):302-3.

  2. Trappe HJ , Tchirikov M . Cardiac arrhythmias in the pregnant woman and the fetus. Internist 2008;49(7):788-98.

  3. Entezami M, Lebek H, Albig A, Hagen A,Tchirikov M.Pränatale Diagnostik der Zwerchfellhernie. Gynäkol Prax 2012;36:241-250

  4. Steger F, Ehm S, Tchirikov M. Pränatale Diagnostik und Therapie in Ethik, Medizin und Recht. Springer Verlag 2014, p. 166.

  5. Seliger G, Chaoui K, Kunze C, Dridi Y, Jenderka KV, Wienke A, Tchirikov M. Intra- and inter-observer variation and accuracy using different shear wave elastography methods to assess circumscribed objects - a phantom study. Med Ultrason. 2017 Nov 29;19(4):357-365.

  6. Seliger G, Petroff D, Seeger S, Hoyer D, Tchirikov M, Schneider U. Diurnal variations of short-term variation and the impact of multiple recordings on measurement accuracy. J Perinatol. 2017 Mar;37(3):231-235.

  7. Seliger G, Muendane A, Chaoui K, Hiller GGR, Lautenschläger C, Costa SD, Tchirikov M. Does ultrasound-guided intervention during repeat cesarean sections improve uterine scar architecture and reduce the number of scars? A prospective controlled clinical intervention trial. J Perinat Med. 2018 Oct 25;46(8):857-866.

  8. Seliger G, Chaoui K, Lautenschläger C, Riemer M, Tchirikov M. Technique of sonographic assessment of lower uterine segment in women with previous cesarean delivery: a prospective, pre/intraoperative comparative ultrasound study. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2018 Aug;298(2):297-306.

  9. Seliger G., Chaoui K., Lautenschläger C., Jenderka K.V., Kunze C., Hiller G.G.R., Tchirikov M .: Ultrasound elastography of the lower uterine segment in women with a previous cesarean section: Comparison of in-/ex-vivo elastography versus tensile-stress-strain-rupture analysis. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2018;225: 172-180.

  1. Schröder HJ, Tchirikov M, Rybakowski C. Pressure pulses and flow velocities in the umbilical vein, ductus venosus and inferior vena cava of anaesthetized sheep fetus. Am J Physiol2003;284,1205-1211.

  2. Wedegartner U, Tchirikov M, Koch M, Adam G, Schröder H.J. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) for fetal oxygenation during meternal hypoxia: initial result. Rofo Fortschr Geb Rongenstr Neuen 2002;174(6):700-3.

  3. Rybakowski C, Eisermann K, Tchirikov M , Schröder H.J. Efficacy of carotid collateral perfusion in anaesthetized sheep. Placenta 2000;21:718-25.

  4. Schröder H.J, Rybakowski C, Eisermann K, Tchirikov M , Ostermann S. Unloading of baroreceptors by carotid occlusion does not increase heart rate in fetal sheep. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol2000;92:265-72.

  5. Wedegärtner U, Tchirikov M, Habermann C, Hecher K, Deprest J, Adam G, Schröder H.J. Monitoring of lung development in fetal sheep with tracheal occlusion using MRI and ultrasound B-scan.Radiology2004;230:353-58.

  6. Wedegärtner U, Tchirikov M, Schäfer S, Priest A.N, Walther M, Adam G, Schröder H.JFetal Sheep Brains: Findings at Functional Blood Oxygen Level–Dependent 3-T MR Imaging—Relationship to Maternal Oxygen Saturation during Hypoxia. Radiology 2005;237:919-926.

  7. Wedegartner U , Tchirikov M , Schafer S , Priest AN , Kooijman H , Adam G , Schroder HJ Functional MR imaging: comparison of BOLD signal intensity changes in fetal organs with fetal and maternal oxyhemoglobin saturation during hypoxia in sheep. Radiology 2006 Mar;238(3):872-80.

  8. Wedegartner U , Tchirikov M , Schafer S , Priest AN , Kooijman H , Adam G , Schroder HJ Functional MR imaging: comparison of BOLD signal intensity changes in fetal organs with fetal and maternal oxyhemoglobin saturation during hypoxia in sheep. Radiology 2006 Mar;238(3):872-80.

  9. Andreas T , Wedegartner U , Tchirikov M , Hecher K , Schroder HJ . Fetal brain volume measurements by magnetic resonance imaging. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2006;27:588-9.

  10. Huber A , Baschat AA , Bregenzer T , Diemert A , Tchirikov M , Hackelöer BJ , Hecher K . Laser coagulation of placental anastomoses with a 30 degrees fetoscope in severe mid-trimester twin-twin transfusion syndrome with anterior placenta. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol.2008;3(4):412-6.

  11. Kohlschütter B, Ellerbrok M, Merkel M, Tchirikov M, Zschocke J, Santer R, Ulrich K. Phenylalanine tolerance in three phenylketonuric women pregnant with fetuses of different genetic PKU status. J Inher MetabDis; 2009 Feb 7.

  12. Weichert A, Hagen A, Tchirikov M, Fuchs IB, Henrich W, Entezami M. Reference curve for the mean uterine artery pulsatility index. Geburtsh Frauenk 2017;77:516-23.

  13. Gottschick C, Raupach-Rosin H, Langer S, Hassan L, Horn J, Dorendorf E, Caputo M, Bittner M, Beier L, Rübsamen N, Schlinkmann K, Zoch B, Guzman CA, Hansen G, Heselich V, Holzapfel E, Hübner J, Pietschmann T, Pieper DH, Pletz M, Riese P, Schmidt-Pokrzywniak A, Hartwig S, von Kaisenberg C, Aydogdu M, Buhles M, Dressler F, Eberl W, Haase R, Edler von Koch F, Feidicker S, Frambach T, Franz HGB, Guthmann F, Koch HG, Seeger S, Oberhoff C, Pauker W, Petry KU, Schild RL, Tchirikov M, Röhrig E, Mikolajczyk R. Cohort profile: The LoewenKIDS Study - life-course perspective on infections, the microbiome and the development of the immune system in early childhood. Int J Epidemiol. 2019 Feb 27. pii: dyz001. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyz001.

  14. Seliger G., Petroff D., Seeger S., Hoyer D., Tchirikov M ., Schneider U.: (2017) Diurnal variations of short-term variation and the impact of multiple recordings on measurement accuracy. Journal of Perinatology, 37: 231-235

  1. USA Patent US 9,682,128 B2, Date of Patent: June 20, 2017
    “Hypotonic aqueous composition with reduced chlorine content, with or without phospholipis.”

  2. EP 2663 366 B1, Date of Patent: August 5, 2020
    “Amino acid compound and its use of same for treating intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR) or for parenteral nutrition of extremely premature infants”
  3. Eurasia Patent № 028055, Date of Patent: October 31, 2017/1
    Eurasia Patent № 028055, Date of Patent: October 31, 2017/2

    “Amino acid compound and its use of same for treating intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR) or for parenteral nutrition of extremely premature infants”
  4. EP 2614851 “Catheter”, Date of Patent: 7.8.2019
  5. China Patent “Catheter” 201319913754.6 Date of Patent: December 8, 2017
  6. US Patent US 9,839,767 , “Catheter” Date of Patent: December 12, 2017
  7. EP Nr. 2566397, Date of Patent: November 4, 2015
    „Ballonkathetersystem zur Abdichtung von Punktionsstellen bei Körperhöhlen, Hohlorganen oder perkutenen Systemen in Säugetieren.“
  8. DE Patent Nr. 10 2010 019 7955, Date of Patent: October 27, 2016
    „Ballonkathetersystem zur Abdichtung von Punktionsstellen bei Körperhöhlen, Hohlorganen oder perkutenen Systemen in Säugetieren.“
  9. USA Patent US 9,295,457 B2, Date of Patent: March 29, 2016
    “Balloon catheter system for sealing puncture points in body cavities, hollow organs or in percutaneous systems in mammals.”
  10. USA Patent US 9,072,755 B2, Date of Patent: July 7, 2015
    “Hypotonic aqueous composition with reduced chlorine content, with or without phospholipids”
  11. “Hypotonic aqueous composition with reduced chlorine content, with or without phospholipids”
    «Гипотоническая водная композиция с пониженным содержением хлора и с или без фосфолипидов»“Hypotonic aqueous composition with reduced chlorine content, with or without phospholipids”

  12. EP 2661 308 B1, Date of Patent May 8, 2019
    „Hypotone wässrige Zusammensetzung mit verringertem Chloridgehalt mit oder ohne  Phospholipide.“

  13. US 9,339,633 B2, Date of Patent: May 17, 2016
    “Balloon catheter system for draining fluids from hollow organs, body cavities or cycts and/or for supplying medication”

  14. EP 3173034, Date of Patent: October 17, 2018
    „Einrichtung für die Durchführung von Organokklusionen, insbesondere einer intrauterinen Trachealokklusion bei der Behandlung einer angeborenen fetalen Zwerchfellhernie –„Long Tail Balloon“

  15. EP 3 600 206 B1, Date of Patent: Juni 7, 2023
    Künstliches Gebärmuttersystem und Plazenta.

  16. EP 2 579 935 B1, Date of Patent: July 25, 2018
    "Ballonkathetersystem zur Flüssigkeitsdrainage aus Hohlorganen, Körperkavitäten oder Zysten und/oder zur Arzneimittelverabreichung".

  17. DE 10 2018 126 634.0
    Vorrichtung mit künstlichem Kiemensystem und Verfahren für die Lebenserhaltung eines Neugeborenen

  18. WO 2020/084125A1
    Device having artificial gills system and use thereof for supporting a newborn.

  19. USA Patent US 11,484,026 B2, Date of Patent: November 1, 2022
    Artificial womb system and placenta.

  20. EP 21000086.5
    Komposition auf der Basis des humanen Fruchtwassers zur enteralen Ernährung und Versorgung von Haut, Schleimhaut und kapillararmen Schichten.

2000: Trophoblast Research -IFPA 2000 New Investigator Award, 14 th Rochester Trophoblast Congress, New York, USA

2003: Haackert Award of Perinatal Medicine, awarded at the German Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Düsseldorf, Germany

2017: Innovation Award Halle 2017: “Continuous Amnioinfusion for the treatment of preterm premature rupture of the membranes”.

2017: Winner of the Hugo Junkers Award 2017 (1 st place) in the category: “The most Innovative Project and Applied Research”. The title of innovation: “Artificial amniotic fluid and perinatal port-System for the treatment of preterm premature rupture of the membranes”.

Juli 2023

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MVZ Evangelisches Waldkrankenhaus

Prof. Dr. med. Michael Tchirikov

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Focus: Special obstetrics and prenatal medicine

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