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Tchirikov M, Schlabritz-Loutsevitch N.E, Hubbard G.B, Schröder H.J, Tardif S,Nathanielsz P.W. Structural evidence for mechanisms to redistribute hepatic and ductus venosus blood flows in nonhuman primate fetuses. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005;192:1146-52.
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Tchirikov M.Dilatation of the ductus venosus by stent implantation increases placental blood perfusion in fetal sheep. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;198:138e1-138e6.
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Tchirikov M,Kharkevich O, Steetskamp J, Beluga M, Strohner M. Treatment of Growth-Restricted Human Fetuses with Amino Acids and Glucose Supplementation through a Chronic Fetal Intravascular Perinatal Port System. Eur Surg Res. 2010;20;45(1):45-49.
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Tchirikov M, Oshovskyy V, Steetskamp J, Falkert A, Huber G, Entezami M. Neonatal outcome using ultrathin fetoscope for laser coagulation in twin-to-twin-transfusion syndrome. J Perinat Med. 2011;39:725-30.
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Tchirikov M, Tchirikov M, Buchert R, Wilke F, Brenner W. Glucose uptake in the placenta, fetal brain, heart and liver related to blood flow redistribution during acute hypoxia. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2011;37(8):979-85.
Tchirikov M,V.Oshovskyy, V. Thäler. Air transfer of patients with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome for laser coagulation of placental anastomoses does not deteriorate the neonatal outcome. Int J Obstet Gynecol 2012; 117(3):260-3.
Tchirikov M,Steetskamp J, Hohmann M, Koelbl H. Long-term amnioinfusion through a subcutaneously implanted amniotic fluid replacement port system for treatment of PPROM in humans. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2010;152(1):30-3.
Tchirikov M, Arnold C, Oshovskyy V, Heinrich U.R. Three years’ experience of using 29G atraumatic needle for amniocentesis. J Prenat Med 2012 40(4):413-7.
Tchirikov M, Bapayeva G, Zhumadilov Z, Dridi Y, Harnisch R, Herrmann A. The treatment of PPROM with an anhydramnion in humans: first experience with different amniotic fluid substitutes for continuous amnioinfusion through a subcutaneously implanted port system. J Perinat Med 2013; 41(6): 657–663.
Michael Tchirikov, Volker Thäle, Boris Tutschek Fetale Arrhythmie – Diagnostik und Management. Gynäkol Prax 2013; 37:23-35.
Tchirikov M. Intrauterine fetale Chirurgie. In: Pränatale Diagnostok und Therapie in Ethik, Medizin und Recht. Ed.: StegerF, Ehm S, Tchirikov M, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014, pp166.
Tchirikov M.Aktueller Stand der Behandlung des fetofetalen Transfusionssyndroms. Gynäkol Prax 2015; 39:215-28.
TchirikovM, Zhumadilov Z, Winarno AS, Haase R, Buchmann J. Treatment of Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes with Oligo-/Anhydramnion Colonized by Multiresistant Bacteria with Continuous Amnioinfusion and Antibiotic Administrations through a Subcutaneously Implanted Intrauterine Port System: A Case Report. Fetal Diagn Ther. 2015 Oct 9.
TchirikovM, Zhumadilov ZS, Bapayeva G, Bergner M, Entezami M. The effect of intraumbilical fetal nutrition via a subcutaneously implanted port system on amino acid concentration by severe IUGR human fetuses. J Perinat Med. 2017;45(2):227-36.
Tchirikov M, Buchmann J, Bergner M. Successful close of small iatrogenic fetal membrane defect after fetoscopy with laser”, to be published in the “J Reprod Med 2017;62:194-99.
Tchirikov M,Schlabritz-Loutsevitch N, Maher J, Buchmann J, Naberezhnev J, Winarno AS, Seliger G. Mid-trimester preterm premature rupture of the membranes (PPROM): ethiology, diagnosis, classification, international recommendations of treatment options and outcome. J Perinat Med 2018 26;46(5):465-488.
Tchirikov M, Erich Saling, Gauri Bapayeva, Michael Bucher, Oliver Thews, Gregor Seliger. Hyperbaric oxygenation and glucose/amino acids substitution in human severe placental insufficiency. Physiol Report 2018;6:e13589
Tchirikov M, Bergner M, Springer C, Seeger S, Behrmann C, Haase R. Long tail balloon as a new approach for FETO for a treatment of severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia. J Obstet Gynecol Rep 2019; 45(3):719-723
Tchirikov M, Ocker R, Seliger G, Chaoui K, Moritz S, Haase R. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2021 Nov 18:1-8. doi: 10.1007/s00404-021-06319-w. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34791511 Free PMC article. Review. Treatment of mid-trimester preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) with multi-resistant bacteria-colonized anhydramnion with continuous amnioinfusion and meropenem: a case report and literature review.